Employment Services for Older Workers
Employers often value older workers because of their experience and commitment.
We offer many job and training services through the America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM to help older workers find jobs or start new careers.
For More Information
See the Services for Older Workers Fact Sheet (DE 8714DD) (PDF) to learn more.
CalJOBSSM is an online tool to help you find jobs, create resumes, access career resources, and find information on education and training programs. You can look for full-time, part-time, or temporary work anytime you need.
Experience Unlimited Job Clubs
We support Experience Unlimited Job Clubs across the state. These clubs help technical, managerial, sales, and executive job seekers network together to share job leads, provide support and update their job search skills.
California Department of Aging
The California Department of Aging (CDA) helps seniors and works with other agencies to support older adults in California. The CDA aims to meet the goals of the Older Americans Act and advocates for seniors, promoting respect, and value for older residents.
Workforce Services
Find Jobs and Training for You
Access Employment Services
America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM connects employers with job seekers at no cost.
CalJOBSSM is the State of California’s online job search system. Create an account, log in, and access services for employers and job seekers.
Additional Resources
Can’t find what you are looking for? View these resources for more information.