Strengthening California’s Veteran Workforce


The EDD honors all military veterans for their service. Veterans gain valuable skills and experience in the military, and we're here to help them make the most of those skills.

We offer resources, training, and support to help veterans transition to civilian careers. Veterans, service members, and spouses get priority for jobs and services.

Learn how we help veterans reach their career goals.


Job Seekers

women in a wheel chair looking at a laptop
three people talking in a group
A woman in glasses with a pen talking to a man
A woman and a man talking and looking at a document

America's Job Center of California (AJCC) SM

Join job training programs.
Get referrals for support services.
Meet with a career counselor.

A woman with glasses looking at a laptop


Get first access to new job postings with a 24-hour veteran hold.
Find jobs with custom searches.
Create a resume and apply online.

A woman with a white coat and glasses talking to a man with glasses

Job Fairs and Workshops

Attend job fairs for veterans.
Learn job search skills.
Practice interview skills.



A building that represents an American Job Center of California
A woman in a coat with glasses sitting at a table and looking at her computer


Post jobs specifically for veterans.

Find qualified candidates with resume filters.

Join veteran job fairs and recruitment events.

A woman in a brown coat talking to a man with glasses

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

Hire a veteran and get up to $9,600 in tax credits.


Additional Resources

For current information, review the California Veterans in the Workforce 2023 (PDF) report.