Employment Services for People with Disabilities
We help people with disabilities get jobs. Through the America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM (AJCC), we make sure everyone can use our services.
What We Offer:
If you need extra help to find a job, we provide:
- Job openings and training information.
- Career coaching.
- Workshops and job search help.
- Testing to assess job skills.
- Connections to community support services.
Job and Training Resources:
We have many no-cost resources, including:
- Toolbox for Job Seekers: A list of job and training options.
- Youth Leadership Forum: A program for high school juniors and seniors with disabilities to build leadership skills and prepare for jobs.
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Program: DHH Workforce Services locations and the AJCC help people who are deaf or hard of hearing find jobs and provides support.
For More Information
- California Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities: This group works to create job opportunities for people with disabilities. You can email CCEPD@dor.ca.gov or call 1-855-894-3436 with your ideas to help people with disabilities.
- Department of Rehabilitation (DOR): DOR works with the community and advocates to help people with disabilities find jobs and live independently.
- Disability Benefits 101 (DB 101): DB 101 explains to job seekers, workers and service providers how work and benefits are related. DB 101 covers health insurance, benefits, and job programs for people with disabilities.
- Limited Examination and Appointment Program (LEAP): LEAP is an alternate way to apply for jobs with the State of California. It helps people with disabilities show their abilities outside of the regular state exam process.
- Ticket to Work Program: This program helps people receiving Social Security Disability benefits find jobs, keep jobs, and become independent.
- Careers in California Government: This website is designed for all job seekers interested in a career in state government.
Workforce Services
Find Jobs and Training for You
Access Employment Services
America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM connects employers with job seekers at no cost.
CalJOBSSM is the State of California’s online job search system. Create an account, log in, and access services for employers and job seekers.
Additional Resources
Can’t find what you are looking for? View these resources for more information.