Able and Available AA 90 - Reason for Decision
Conscientious Objection Based On Religious, Ethical, Moral or Philosophical Beliefs
Enter Code Section 1253(c), issue AA, Reason for Decision AA90, with the appropriate letter.
A. Personal Preference - Not Religious or Conscientious Objection
You have placed limits on the days or hours you will work because of your religious beliefs. After considering available information, the Department finds that you do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits.
B. Religious Holiday
You could not work on _____________ because you were observing a religious holiday. After considering available information, the Department finds that benefits must be reduced by 1/7 for each working day that you were not available for work.
AA. Religious or Conscientious Objection - Available to Substantial Field of Employment
You state the claimant may not be available for work because of religious beliefs or conscientious objections. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available for work.