Miscellaneous MI 60
Extended Benefit Claims
Legislative authority for payment of FED-ED benefits is contained in the Federal State Extended Compensation Act of 1970, Public Law 91-373, as amended, and Part 4 of the Calif. Unemp. Ins. Code.
The Miller-Collier Act, known by the informal acronym "CAL-ED," was enacted by the legislature in 1959 to provide a permanent state program for paying extended duration benefits. The basic provisions of the law contained in Part 3 of the Calif. Unemp. Ins. Code were extensively amended by Assembly Bill 2901 (Chapter 1073, 9-14-82). As a result of this legislation, CAL-ED program provisions have been made identical to those for FED-ED in several major areas.
The Department administers the Federal-State Extended Benefits (FED-ED) program for California claimants and the California Extended Duration Benefits (CAL-ED) program.
Refer to FOM Extended Benefits for procedures for processing extended benefit claims.