We are expanding language access in our myEDD web portal and UI Online for individuals to apply for unemployment benefits and manage their claims via applications translated into Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Vietnamese, in addition to our current Spanish option, providing greater access for individuals to apply for unemployment benefits online. The new language options will be available starting on December 14, 2023. In March 2024, we will further expand language access to include Korean, Armenian, and Tagalog. These languages represent the top seven languages spoken in California by working-age adults.
Unemployment customers can access the UI Online process in their preferred language, and they will receive real-time updates about the status of their claim, including payment notifications sent by email and text message. Within UI Online, customers can certify for benefits, check payment information, reopen an existing claim, update contact information, reschedule an eligibility phone interview, and send secure messages to unemployment customer service agents. We have established dedicated phone lines in the top seven languages for customers who need assistance navigating these additional claim processes in their preferred language.
The myEDD portal, which was launched in June, features multiple functional enhancements that were informed and influenced by customer and stakeholder input, such as a more secure login verification process that makes password recovery easier.
Individuals must create a myEDD account and then register for UI Online, the fastest and most convenient way to apply and manage an unemployment claim. For languages other than English, customers should select the globe icon at the top of the myEDD login page, revealing a menu of currently-available language options. They'll log in to myEDD, select UI Online, and provide all requested information, including their first and last name, date of birth, Social Security number, and EDD Customer Account Number.
New language additions and enhancements to myEDD are part of EDDNext, a multi-year modernization effort to completely transform the customer and employee experiences based on research and feedback.